different days

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“Natural beauty is a healing balm for despair, allowing you to feel without freaking out, and increases your capacity to tolerate and balance the light and dark of existence. Despair brings attention to the starvation of the spirit in the modern world. In despair there is a great hunger for beauty and spiritual nurturance.” –Miriam Greenspan 

For me, the antidote for spiritual and psychological despair is to get outside and notice something beautiful until it locks deep into my soul, until it becomes a refreshing breeze clearing out my clogged-up thinking.

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Beauty gentles down my distress if I let it deep-seep into every contracted cell of despair and cynicism, if I let it plump up hope cells with contentment and connection.

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When things go dark in my head, I go outside and notice beauty and then I nudge myself to notice it deeper, deeper, deeper. I keep noticing until I feel it nurture my spirit and ease any gloomy emotions. My soul begins to dance.


seeing red


representing humans